Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Why isn’t “states’ rights” sufficient to explain the cause of the Civil War?, homework help

Answer those 10 questions below in short answer, no need to write into paragraph, as details as need:

  1. Why isn’t “states’ rights” sufficient to explain the cause of the Civil War? What about tariffs? The abolitionist movement?
  2. Give an example of how northerners sought to enlist the federal government in support of their sectional economic interests. What major southern economic issue became the key source of sectional tensions?
  3. In what way did political parties serve to mitigate the sectional crisis? What were the key events that brought about the breakdown of national parties?
  4. What were the main elements of the Missouri Compromise? Over what specific issues was this compromise later threatened and finally set aside?
  5. What were the issues behind the Compromise of 1850? What were the elements of the Compromise? How did radicals in both north and south respond to the Compromise?
  6. Why did Stephen Douglas push for the Kansas-Nebraska Act? What did this act do? What impact did the Kansas-Nebraska crisis have on the Whig party, the people of Kansas, and the incident at Harper’s Ferry?
  7. Why did the Southern states secede from the union? How did they justify this action?
  8. What was Lincoln’s personal view on slavery? What was the Republican Party’s position? Why did he invade the South?
  9. What was the impact of cotton on the South after 1800? Be able to identify its impact on southern politics, the environment, the southeastern Indians, and the southern economy.
  10. Be able to name and explain at least four elements of Hammond’s proslavery argument.

For example: What were the main elements of the Missouri Compromise?

  • Written in 1820
  • Allowed Missouri to enter the United States as a slave state
  • Maine to enter as a free state
  • Stated that slavery would be excluded above the 36/30 line

No need to use academic words

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Humanities Homework Help

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