Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Evaluation Essay Prewriting and Planning




Being a nurse requires you to
make decisions and choices all the time. To make a smart decision, you must
evaluate the circumstances from all sides. Sharpen those skills as you complete
the Evaluation Essay.

Select one of these topics for
your Evaluation Essay.

  1. Evaluate a medical-related
    product or device that is new on the market. Consider what this new product
    would replace. Is it really a better product, or just a different way to do
    things? How would this new device change the way nurses operate? Include any
    criteria that would help your reader decide if this new product or device is
    worth a try.
  2. Evaluate a film or book.
    (Please do not choose a television series, as this would be too much information
    to cover in this essay.) Consider elements such as character development,
    setting, dialogue, narrative arc, quality of writing, and anything else that you
    think is important in helping your reader decide to see this movie or read this

Prepare yourself for this
assignment by reading reviews online and in published materials such as the
newspaper to see how the professionals put together a meaningful and informative

Whichever topic you choose,
your essay must include the following:

  • At least one direct quotation
    from a reputable outside source
  • At least one paraphrase from a
    reputable outside source
  • A clear thesis statement in
    the introductory paragraph
  • Excellent organization of your
  • A references page with the
    full reference details
  • A word count of 1000 words, at

Prewriting and Planning

Prewriting and planning are essential to
writing an effective essay, so for this week’s
assignment, you will complete the prewriting and planning steps of the process
for developing the Evaluation Essay. To complete the prewriting
assignment, you will submit one document (or perhaps multiple documents) that
include ALL of the following:

  1. A prewriting/”discovering” exercise to
    generate lots of ideas, like freewriting, brainstorming, or concept mapping. (6
  2. A working thesis statement (directly addresses
    the prompt; most effective as the last sentence of the introduction. (4 points)
  3. An outline of your essay. (6
  4. An APA Style reference (as it would appear on
    the references page, with all of the relevant publication information). (4

Note: if you create a concept map in
an image editing program, you may submit this portion of the assignment
separately from the rest of the assignment in a common image format, like .jpg
or .pdf. Genius Scan is a great, free app that allows you to take, upload, and
send images in.jpg or .pdf right from your smartphone.

You may also copy and paste the concept map
into a Word document with the rest of your assignment. Alternately, you could
also scan your concept map and submit it as an image or PDF file. If you choose
to complete a concept map and submit it separately from the rest of your
assignment, make sure to submit the rest of your work in a Word document (use
the file format .doc, .docx, or .rtf)

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