Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. History exam multiple choice doing before 8:00pm FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 US time , CA

from assigned readings is fair game for showing up on the exam. “City on a
Hill” 2nd Ku Klux Klan Abolitionism Ann Lee and the Shakers • Anti-western
ideas Backlash to Progressives and the Social Gospel control Baptists • Beatles
(George Harrison) Black preachers during slavery Butler Act Calvinists Charles
Darwin Charles Finney Charles Manson Charles Sheldon Christian Fundamentalism
Christianity vs. the “Evil Empire” Clarence Darrow Consensus politics of the post-World
War II era • Corporal punishment Denomination switching Disillusionment after
World War I Ducking stool • Ernest Hemmingway Expatriate Americans • F. Scott
Fitzgerald (This Side of Paradise) First Great Awakening Flappers George
Whitefield • Gertrude Stein H.L. Mencken Hare Krishnas Heaven’s Gate Hull House
and settlement houses Jack Johnson Jane Addams Jerry Falwell Jim Jones John
Winthrop Joseph Smith, Mormons, and Nauvoo Labor unions • Loss of faith in
political leadership (Nixon, Johnson, etc.) Lutherans Lyman Beecher Lynette
“Squeaky” Fromme Malcolm X Manifest Destiny Marshall Applewhite Massive
immigration McCarthyism Methodists • Moral enforcement Muhammad Ali Nat Turner
Nation of Islam Osho (Bhagwan Rajneesh) Perfectionism Political corruption
Poverty Predestination vs. choice Progressivism Prohibition Puritan New England
Puritans and Separatists Quakerism Religious pluralism Religious reform of the
1830s-40s Religious resurgence of World War II Religious Socialism Rise of
Eastern Religions Rise of suburbs Roaring ‘20s Scopes “Monkey” Trial Second
Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church (Vatican II) Second Great Awakening
Sigmund Freud Social Gospel Movement Social Problems of 1877-1920 • Social
Restrictions Socialism Stocks and pillory Temperance The “Lost Generation” The
American Dream The Conservative Revolution The Moral Majority The New Right •
Theocratic governing Utopianism • Vietnam war protest Wesley-Arminianism
William Jennings Bryan William Penn Women in the Second Great Awakening Women
in the Social Gospel Movement Women’s Suffrage World’s Christian Fundamentals
Organization YMCA

note— you will also be responsible for material from your readings and films
screened, so please make sure you are prepared for that as well.

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