Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Identity and Development Paper ( I already did the pages I need just one more page + check the grammars )

Please on the first page write about Chickering’s theory(Student Development Theory). Then, please re-write and edit my writing and correct the grammar and make it more academic and try to make my writing related to that theory.

B. Identity and Development Paper

The second assignment requires students to write a ten (10) page paper thoroughly describing and analyzing one of your social identities, and how it relates to one of the systems of privilege and oppression discussed in class and the readings. Please see pages 18, 20 and 21 of the course syllabus for detailed guidelines to follow in completing this assignment.


Please relax, take a deep breath and using a narrate form write this paper to describe the influence that systems of privilege and oppression may have or may not have had on one of your social identities and development. In particular, please demonstrate your understanding (three to four paragraphs) and ability to apply a theoretical models (Chickering, Marcia, Cross, Helm’s, Cass, Erikson, Levinson, Kohlberg, Gilligan, etc.) to one of your social identities and development in contemporary society. To organize your thoughts please answer the questions below to demonstrate your understanding and application of one of the above identity models to your current stage of development. The paper is limited to a total of ten pages and must include citations and a minimum of ten references.

you will not write the whole pages , you will just write one page and check

Humanities Homework Help

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