Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Answer TEN of the questions in 1-2 paragraph short essays. You can use your textbook , notes or any other sources.

Please answer TEN of the following questions in 1-2 paragraph essays.

1. How did Charlemagne expand his empire?

2. What caused the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire?

3. What cultural contributions were made by the Carolingian renaissance?

4. What role did the Islamic world play in contributing to the world of mathematics and the natural sciences? How did the Islamic world preserve classical culture?

5. What are the five pillars of Islam?

6. How did Agriculture transform European life in the High Middle Ages? What was the significance of the three-field farm?

7. What was commercial capitalism? What were its defining marks?

8. What were the Crusades and what were their consequences?

9. What were the differences between the Romanesque and Gothic Cathedrals?

10. Who was Pope Gregory VII, what were his reforms, and why were they important?

11. How were the Jewish people of Europe singled out for persecution during the Black Death?

12. What were the consequences of the Hundred Years’ War?

13. What was the Great Schism? Why did it lead many within the Catholic Church to embrace conciliarism? How was the Schism resolved?

14. How did the Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt describe the Renaissance?

15. Who was Machiavelli? What was a most important work? How did it view the exercise of political power?

16. Why did Luther take the side of the German Princes in the Peasant’s War?

17. What did the Council of Trent accomplish? How did the papacy emerge from the Reformation?

18. What was the Columbian Exchange and why was it important?

19. Where did the Spanish Empire flourish around the globe? What military defeat set back Spanish ambitions in Europe?

Humanities Homework Help

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