Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Journal Response: Vaccine and Immunology Race

It has to be a minimum of 3 full pages. It may be in first person. MLA format. (Quotes are required from the reading materials, and informations from the links are better to be mentioned)

You must discuss the ethical dilemmas of the vaccine race and immunology treatment.

Immunology: Remembering that anywhere from 1 to 10 people will be able to be the recipients of the blood plasma of COVID survivors, one of the first ethical dilemmas is the question of who should be the lucky 1-10 recipients of every survivor? Should people “own” their own blood and be able to donate it to friends and loved ones? Should you be able to sell it? Should it be nationalized and allow the government to prioritize who gets it first, such as first responders?

Vaccines: Imagine a vaccine is created in the record time of 18 months (34 years is the norm). Is there a list of those who should be first in line to be able to get it based on their profession, such as first responders and then people who are last? If your answer is yes, please explore who are those first people beyond the first responders, and who are last. Should it be mandatory for everyone to receive the new experimental vaccine? Remember when answering this that herd immunity begins when at least 40% of the population is immune and 80% to 95% must be immune to stop the spread of the disease.

Humanities Homework Help

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