Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. I need one page for the outline and 20 pages for the final project. I am attaching the necessary inf

Please submit a one-page summary detailing the topic of your final project. Your weekly homework assignments should be used as working components of your final plan. Identify and describe the organization or campaign that you’ll write a finance plan for—will it be for a political campaign, organization or non-profit? What is your fundraising goal? How much money do you want to raise? Please list which techniques you think you’ll use—direct mail? Personal solicitation? Finance committee? Events? Direct mail? Digital? What else?

Your final project is the
preparation of a Finance Plan for your chosen campaign.

it’s time to put the pieces of your final project together into a cohesive,
narrative plan. Most plans are between 15 and 30 pages long. Include all
revised attachments in an appendix: Major Donor Profile; Event Plan; Direct
Mail Package; Telemarketing Script; and Digital Email Appeal.

include a cover memo of up to three pages in length that explains your plan and
why you chose to use the fundraising techniques you’ve recommended (for
example: personal solicitation, finance committees, major donors, events,
direct mail, telemarketing, the Internet). Introduce each section with your
recommendations, based on net income. This memo must be addressed to your
potential client. Think of it as an executive summary.

I am sending a modal to follow and I want the focus to be on Mr Smith Campaign. You will see some information regarding the finance plan for Mr.Smith Campaign for Illionois Senate.

Humanities Homework Help

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