Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Literature Final Research Project MLA style

This project counts as your final exam. You have already completed a proposal for this.

Directions for completing the project:

After you have read one work of literature in which a character faces a dilemma, you will write an essay of at least 1,000 words in which you demonstrate critical thinking. Specifically based on the information given in the literary piece, you will determine a position, explain key aspects of the issues, and further support your position with relevant, adequate evidence from both primary and secondary sources. The students’ essay responses will include examination of personal responsibility, encompassing choices, decisions and actions, as well as the social consequences of those actions demonstrating an awareness of an individual’s responsibility to the larger, more diverse community.

1) The research paper should be a minimum of 1,000 words typed in MLA format. This does not include the Works Cited page.

2) The paper should follow the proposal of Prince Machiavelli.

3) A separate page for Works Cited should be included. The citations should be in MLA format for Research Papers. For help on this, you may visit the Writing Center in the Vaughn library, or you may refer to OWL MLA Formatting Guide (Links to an external site.). You will find that the link leads you to the entire MLA guide, and the navigation bar is to the left of the page. In this guide you will find tips for in-text citations, quoting material, as well as formatting and proper citation procedures for Works Cited pages.

You must have at least three secondary sources (the work itself is a primary source). These should be from the Online Resources Database of the library. If you are using something from the internet, make sure it is a RELIABLE source. If you’re in doubt, it’s better to ask.

You may contact me regarding any questions you have about this project.

See the rubric below for grading.

Content: 60 percent

Correct grammar usage and punctuation: 15 percent

Correct in-text citations: 10 percent

Correct Works Cited page: 15 percent

Note: I am very strict about the Works Cited page. I give you no points for simply copying and pasting a URL, even if that is only one entry on the page. Please follow the guidelines of the OWL page I linked you to in this page.

Humanities Homework Help

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