Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 3 pages essay 075

Dear All,

Good morning everyone! I decided to post the question earlier than planned so as to give you even more time to write your exam.

Here is the midterm question:

What role did math and geometry play in the Western conception of truth over the past 2500 years? How did it affect conceptions of time and history in Western thought and what does it tell us about the history of Truth in the West and its relation to time? In your answer, make sure to refer to at least 4 thinkers we have discussed over the first part of the course, present and discuss how their respective conceptions of truth and perceptions of time relate to their ideas about math and geometry.

You answer should engage with the general theme of the course and ideally incorporate terms and ideas that were covered in class.

The answer needs to be between 700-1000 words. Quotes and specific page references are not mandatory but may be added at your discretion in support of your argument. However, they will not count towards the necessary word count.

You have plenty of time for this task (until 9 PM), so I expect a succinct, well-written, elegant and compact response. Please go over your answer once or twice before submitting it to make sure there is no redundant repetition and/or typos.

A word of warning: the exam needs to be an original, individual effort. Plagiarism or group efforts are strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated. Just a sniff of impropriety, and I will immediately disqualify all the involved exam forms—regardless of who copied from whom.

Remember: the midterm counts for 15% of the entire grade so you can still do very well overall even with a mediocre grade here. It is not worth it to jeopardize your entire course grade, or indeed your entire academic reputation, for this midterm.

Humanities Homework Help

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