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Humanities Homework Help. ​Psyc 1 Final Exam Study Guide

Psyc 1 Final Exam Study Guide

Chapter 10

What does Freud claim the personality is made up of

Know the primary focus of pleasure for the Oral, Anal, and Phallic stages of Freud’s theory

Know why we use defense mechanisms

Be familiar with Jung, Horney, and Adler and be able to recognize the main points of their theories

What are “traits” according to trait theory?

What are self-report measures and projective measures?What are strengths of each?

Be familiar with The Humanistic and The Social Cognitive Perspectives on Personality and be able to recognize what each perspective emphasizes

Chapter 11

Define Social Psychology, cognitive dissonance, schemas, impression formation, and conformity

What are the two key research areas within Social Psychology

What are the four key components or principles influence your forming impressions of other people?

What does Implicit Personality Theory suggest?

Define and understand Attributions

Define Attitudes and be able to identify examples of the 3 different components of attitudes

What factors promote conformity?

Define prejudice and stereotypes and know the dangers of stereotypes

Know what the Implicit Association Test is

Know the factors related to initial attraction between two people

Know what the likelihood of bystander intervention in an emergency situation is reduced by

Chapter 12

Define Health Psychology, Stress, PTSD, Acculturative Stress

Know that stressors can be categorized by cataclysmic events, personal stressors and background stressors

Know what the three phases of responding to stress are according to the General Adaptation Syndrome Model

Know the definitions and characteristics of Problem Focused and Emotion Focused Coping

Chapter 13

Define psychological disorder

Know what the DSM-IV-TR is

Be able to recognize different anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, and eating disorders

Define Dissociative Identity disorder

Chapter 14

Be able to identify the differences between Psychotherapy and Biomedical Therapy

Be able to recognize the major characteristics of Humanistic Therapy and the Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Be able to recognize some classical conditioning treatments

What are the advantages of Group Therapy?

What are the characteristics of Family Therapy?

What are the goals of Couples Therapy?

Be able to identify examples of Anti-psychotic Medications and Anti-anxiety Medications

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