Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Primary Source Assignment 3 – HIEU 390 – Modern Europe

Primary Source Assignment 3 – HIEU 390 – Modern Europe

Internet Sourcebook – Primary Sources

Use this link to locate primary sources for your primary source assignments. You are free to use other sources to find primary sources, but this includes many European primary sources for ease of access.

Primary Source Assignment Instructions – – “Week 6 Only”. – “Assignment”

For week 6 you will find a primary source reflecting on genocide in the 20th century. This must be a first-hand account of someone who experienced genocide or perpetuated it. An example here would be a prisoner at Auschwitz or a guard that was responsible for interning prisoners at Auschwitz. It may reflect the Holocaust, Armenian Genocide, purges of the Soviet Union, or that in Bosnia in the 1990s.

Primary Source Assignment Template Form – – “Use this form for the questions”.

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