Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. The importance of the jury

importance of the Jury” Please respond to the following:

  • Discuss two (2) emotions that the symbol of Justitia (in Figure 7.1 in Chapter 7 of your textbook) invokes in you regarding the notion of justice. Support or criticize the common statement “justice is blind.” Justify your position.
  • Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research one (1) case in which a grand jury was convened from your home state, and one (1) case in which a petit jury was convened from your home state. Next, explain the major distinctions between the two (2) cases you chose. Finally, compare and contrast the fundamental differences in size and function between a grand jury and a petit jury.

Next, watch the video below by Sue Klebold (the mother of Dylan Klebold) who spent many years analyzing what she could have done different to prevent her son’s act of violence.

  • What can we do to prevent criminal acts committed due to suffering caused by mental illness?
  • Should we have a separate court/system of laws to treat/punish criminal acts committed by the mentally ill?

Humanities Homework Help

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