Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HIstory 20 Final exam questions and paper

Answer the following questions based on the textbook and lectures:1.Discuss Marbury v. Madison. What events led to it? What happened? What was the result? What are the implications of the judgment?2.Discuss the controversy surrounding the Presidential election of 1800. What happened and what were the implications?3.Discuss the foreign policy problems of John Adams. What were the problems with Britain and France? What were the implications of his policies?4.Discuss the Louisiana Purchase. What happened and why? What were the implications of the Purchase?5.Discuss the Tecumseh Confederacy. What was it? What were its goals? How did it end and what were the implications?6.Discuss the causes of the War of 1812.7.Discuss the cotton gin. What was it? Why was it needed? What were the effects?8.Discuss the Missouri Compromise. What were the implications?9.Discuss the Trail of Tears.10.Discuss President Andrew Jackson and the National Bank. Why did he oppose it? What did he do to it? What were the effects?11.Discuss how Texas and Oregon became states. What were the controversies with each area and how did the U.S. acquire them?12.Discuss the Compromise of 1850 and its implications.13.Discuss the Mexican War. What were the issues? What happened? What were the implications of the peace settlement?14.Discuss the controversy in Kansas. What were the problems and issues? What were the implications of those issues?15.Discuss why the Civil War was the first modern war and what were the implications of this.16.Discuss the assassination of Lincoln and its implications.17.Discuss the impeachment of Andrew Johnson and its implications.18.Discuss the Emancipation Proclamation and its significance.19.Discuss Congressional Reconstruction and its implications.20.Discuss sharecropping and the economic realities that supported it. What were the long-term implications?21.Discuss the Panic of 1873 and its implications.22.Discuss the Southern response to Reconstruction and the future implications including the Jim Crow laws and disenfranchisement.24.Discuss the Election of 1876 and its implications.

Paper:Each student will write a 5-7-page paper. This paper is worth 100 points. In addition to the final paper, this assignment includes a thesis statement worth 25 points and an outline worth 75 points. All written assignments are due within the first 15 minutes of class. After the first 15 minutes of class, the paper assignments will be considered late.This paper must have an arguable thesis presented in the last sentence of the first paragraph of the paper. The paper should use reflect one of the problems in either Problems in the Era of the American Revolution or Major Problems in African-American History, Vol. 1, or both. The student should choose a chapter from one of the Major Problems books, read the two essays by scholars in the chosen chapter and then pick a side to argue.

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