Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Discussion Questions – VERY EASY

Please answer the following questions and make sure to respond to at least one classmate.

Yojimbo Film, 1961.

1.What were your overall thoughts on the film?

2. Choices and duality are major themes in Yojimbo, where do you see this in the film?

3. Yojimbo was influenced by American Westerns, but many films were influenced by Yojimbo.

4. What is it that works so well cross-culturally in the film (story line, character, setting, etc.) ?

(Requires 1 student reply)


What are you afraid of?

Listen to the interview “What Bill Gates is afraid of (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.“. Bill Gate was asked to answer the following two questions:
1) What is he worried about?
2) What does the nightmare scenario look like?

Bill Gates expressed his concerns about the future of our planet. I would like you to express your thoughts.
1) What are you worried about?
2) What does the nightmare scenario look like?

Support your statements with facts. Write a paragraph of about 200 words.
Reply to 2 students

(Requires 2 student replies)


Watch the video “Raising Barriers”.

In this cases, do good fences make good neighbor? Write a paragraph of about 200 words.

Good fences make good neighbors definition:

Good neighbors respect one another’s property. Good farmers, for example, maintain their fences in order to keep their livestock from wandering onto neighboring farms. This proverb appears in the poem “Mending Wall,” by Robert Frost.

Humanities Homework Help

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