Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. What is/are the traditional or folk musics heard in this region?, assignment help


– answers need to be at least one paragraph long.

– PLEASE use citation ( do not plagiarize)

– use standard English which includes correct punctuation; and complete sentences.



Select a region anywhere in the world outside the U.S. Entitle your thread with the name of the region, city or town.

What is/are the traditional or folk musics heard in this region? Is there also traditional dance? What factors in the city’s history, ethnicity, changing population, etc. have been at work to create the musics heard in this city? Where is live music, including traditional or folk music, heard in public and private venues? What instruments/voices are used? Is live traditional music used in religious places or in community, religious or cultural rituals, traditional events or settings?

Be sure to focus on traditional/ethnic/folk musics of your chosen region or city. If Western (American) popular music genres are heard, why do you think this is? Is Western pop music heard more than traditional music in ? If so, why do you think this is the case? Do you think that the influx of Western pop styles will make traditional musical styles obsolete or less well known to the inhabitants of your selected region? Why, or why not?

Please post videos of the traditional music of the region you selected. Document your sources.


1. Listen to “Gapu,” from Tribal Voice, from a CD by the Australian Aboriginal group Yothu Yindi. What is the melodic direction or contour of the singer’s melody? Is this culturally significant for Australian aborigines? What does your text say about the use of this melodic direction in some cultures?

Compare the melodic contour of the Australian “Gapu” with that of the Native American “Eagle Dance” song (CD ex. # 1-25). Are the overall melodic contours or patterns similar or different? What type of voice an/or instruments do you hear?

2. Listen to several songs in the Ch. 4 assignment, from my listening examples and from the text’s Online Illustrations. I have examples of songs using pentatonic, major, minor, blues, Lydian, and other modes.…

Can you hear the differences between the modes? Which modes are you familiar with? Where have you heard these modes before? Are any of these modes used in the music you regularly listen to? If so, which one(s)? Which modes were difficult for you to hear?

Humanities Homework Help

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