Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Actiivity Plan

For this assignment you are a preschool teacher for 3 year olds children will complete the activity Plan . This activity plan will be on Outdoor/Physical/ Gross /Fine . You will need to include the drdp 2015 and anti bias. I attached an activity plan form below example please use the Activity Planning form below fill in the information for Outdoor/physical/Gross/Fine . I attached the drdp 2015 2015 . I attached a powerpoint to show you what anti bias look like it is on slide # 31. The powerpoint also shows you what activity planning for Outdoor/Physical/ Gross /Fine . look like. But do not copy please but in your own words.

Activity Planning Form

Curriculum area: Outdoor (Physical (Gross/Fine)

Age: ­­­­­­­­­______________

Day of the Week:_________________________________

Daily Schedule Time_____________________________

Planned by:____________________________________

Title of Activity:

  • Rationale for Selection: (Based on children’s culture, family, community experiences, home language, specific assessed needs and interests)
  • Goal and Objectives:

*DRDP measure(s)

*Anti-bias area(s)

*Anti-bias skill(s)

  • Materials Needed:

*Teacher Preparation:

*Children Preparation:

*Dramatic play props used/made:

*Book used:

  • Safety: List safety considerations and your plan regarding them.

Procedure: (step by step)

Beginning: How will you introduce this activity?

Middle: List open-ended questions that the teacher could ask:

End: Plan for Clean-Up and Transition:

  • List all references used in preparation of this plan:

[People, Title, Author, Publishing Information, Date, Pages Referenced, Websites]

Humanities Homework Help

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