Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Small Group Lesson Plan

Read this entire assignment and all resource materials prior to beginning. Plan two sequential small group lessons for a PreK classroom. Small group lessons should be focused and intentional. Follow First Class PreK guidelines and limit your lesson to 20 minutes. Follow the gradual release of responsibility model (I do – we do – you do) for the lesson. In an early childhood child-centered, play-based environment, additional independent practice can be included during learning centers. How will you provide additional independent practice of your concept/content?

As you plan, consider developmentally appropriate practice and the multi-modal nature of children’s learning. Are you meeting both of these early childhood principles? Language development is a key factor in a young child’s success. How have you planned to support language development? How will you assess the children’s understanding of the concept/content? Remember that assessment should be invisible, and DAP applies to assessment as well as learning experiences.

Your lessons should align with both the Gold Objectives download and the Alabama Developmental Standards for Preschool download. Teaching Strategies has developed an alignment crosswalk download of both sets of standards.

Part 1

In the Class Profile below, choose 4 children for your small group lesson. Review the children’s strengths and struggles; consider objectives that have not yet been documented or areas where the child needs more learning experiences. If you were in the classroom with these children, how would you plan to support their development and learning? Would you group children heterogeneously or homogeneously? Select one or two of the GOLD Objectives and cross reference them with the alignment crosswalk (‘above).

Based on the children selected in the profile, please complete the edTPA Context for Learning ECE.docx download. Use Kilby Laboratory School or the school where you teach to answer the general questions about school, use the PreK classroom guidelines to answer questions about the classroom. Include one child with a language delay and one child as an advanced learner. Consider information you reviewed about language as your consider ways to modify instruction for the language delay and Bloom’s Taxonomy for your advanced learner.


edTPA Resources

Did you…

    • plan for multimodal learning?
    • integrate disciplines?
    • plan using the gradual release of responsibility model – I do, we do, you do?
    • plan for supporting language development?
    • plan for the whole child?
    • plan for diversity?

Part 2

After completing your planning, complete the edTPA ECE Planning Commentary.docx download. As you complete the commentary, the edTPA Understanding Rubric Level Progressions will support your undertstanding of what the prompts are asking. This commentary is covered in Rubrics 1-5 which can be found in the Handbook for ECE and in Understanding Rubric Level Progressions.

Additional Resources for Planning

Humanities Homework Help

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