Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. In a literary analysis, explore the consequences of a dominant culture on a minority of people.” We are not responsible

Part 1:

In a literary analysis, explore the consequences of a dominant culture on a minority of people (marginalized group). Begin by defining the dominant culture as it is presented in one of the following works: “We Are Not Responsible” by Harryette Mullen . (Links to an external site.) The essay must be between 500-750 words in length, excluding the list of Works Cited and the passage you quote for your close reading. Present your essay in MLA-style, both in layout and in source documentation

Part 2: The Reflection [submitted separately]:

Identify a current event or firsthand personal experience that reflects some aspect of the work. In what way(s) does the work of literature better help you understand a current or personal event connected to cultural dominance (hegemony)?

Your reflection should be approximately 250-400 words, a minimum of three paragraphs, and formatted in MLA style.

Humanities Homework Help

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