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Humanities Homework Help. interpretation homework

Assignment #2 Interpretation Project: Philippians 1:1-11

NOTE: This is a FORMAL research paper, not a lab project; although it utilizes information you gather in labs to help form the content of the paper. Therefore, this paper should be written in paragraph form, citing all sources and references to support your claims, observations and conclusions. This paper is to be double-spaced and use correct grammar. Read and discuss all aspects identified for each section but do not include the instructions in your paper.


Provide an introduction paragraph to the passage, giving a concise summary statement, outlining how this paper will support your conclusion.

Section #1

Using insights from commentaries and the knowledge gained from any Labs, DISCUSS the historical context and literary context of Philippians 1:1-11. Include a discussion of at least one word study done, highlighting all the steps discussed by the textbook. DISCUSS what all of this knowledge teaches us about the theological themes in the passage.

Section #2

After consulting with at least 3 commentaries, discuss the theological context answering:

  • What does the passage teach me about God?
  • What does the passage teach me about humanity?
  • What does the passage teach me about redemption?
  • What are the major themes?

Section #3

Answer: what is God’s main idea from this passage. Give thoughtful analysis of the passage’s true meaning and impact. What is the eternal principle here? DISCUSS your interpretation of God’s message in this passage.

Section #3b

Support your conclusion with an outline of the passage using the full text (detailed)

Section #4

1) Read the “Work as a Calling: A Theoretical Model” article posted to Canvas (Duffy, R. D., Douglass, R. P., England, J. W., Dik, B. J., & Velez, B. L. (2018). Work as a Calling: A Theoretical Model. Journal Of Counseling Psychology, 65(4), 423-439. doi:10.1037/cou0000276). You can also find the article at this link: “Work as Calling” articleLinks to an external site. once you are logged into Biola’s library.

2) DISCUSS how this passage integrates with your particular major, interacting with the article and the concepts of living out your calling. Think bigger than career advancement and more to the “partnership in the gospel”.

Section #5

DISCUSS specific implications and applications for your life and others from Phil. 1:1-11. Provide at least 5 implications for all people and 3 applications (specific & measurable) for you to put into practice.

Include a conclusion to the paper; summarizing key thoughts discussed in the paper, especially sections 3 & 4.

Make sure you cite all sources (APA style) and attach a bibliography.

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