Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Gender Studies Question


To watch the following movies, go to (Links to an external site.). Have your banner ID enter the (last four digits of your social security number) ready so that you can sign into the library site when asked to do so. On the library home page, click on the “Articles in Database” tab in the Center of the page. Once it opens, click on the Streaming Video tab at the bottom of the page and choose Swank Motion Pictures (Links to an external site.). Click on the movie logo.


  • This week’s assignment involves watching two movies, one from list A, the other from list B. The movies in list A tend more toward the serious—i.e. dramas; list B features movies that lean toward the comedic, or at least the absurd. All films are available through the Swank streaming video database, accessible through the FSW library website. After watching one selection of your choice from each list, you will write a short synopsis of both films, and then a brief analysis of a scene from one-and only one-of the movies.

Start off with a brief synopsis of the one you aren’t analyzing. Be sure and include some details as you go, details like how the film was paced, and how the scenes and technical details contributed to the overall dramatic or comedic effect of the movie. Next, give a brief synopsis of your second film, then focus on one scene that seemed particularly effective. Get inside the structure of the scene, looking at things like how the shots are set up, how the sequence is edited (the cuts) for effect, how the lighting and direction and acting contribute. Is the scene comedic or dramatic (be mindful that a dramatic scene can appear in a comedy and vice versa)? Does the ambience or set or lighting of the scene seem to contribute to the overall effect? Does the scene in some way join meaningfully to the broader message of the movie? Be sure and use some of the terms that have been learned in this course to give rigor to your analysis.

Post your synopses and analysis. Feel free to use any visuals that you think would help, or that might make the posting look good. Your posting should be at least 350 words. This assignment will be assessed on its formal clarity, the quality of the writing and editing, its degree of engagement with its topic, its creativity/inventiveness/originality of ideas, and the sophistication of thought it expresses.

Dramas in list A and Comedies in List B
List A (Dramas) List B (Comedies)
  • Moonlight
  • Being John Malkeovich
  • The Piano
  • Dr. Strangelove
  • Arrival
  • Some Like It Hot
  • Casablanca
  • Lost in Translation

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2020 Blog Post/Writing Rubric

2020 Blog Post/Writing Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentAbility to incorporate and synthesize learned material into written responses that are accurate and meaningful, and which reflect student’s grasp on, and ability to think independently about, course content.

35 pts


Student shows mastery of the relevant information and ideas, and demonstrates deep thinking on the topic. Response demonstrates creativity, synthesis, and/or incisive critical thinking on the issues at hand.

30 pts


Student demonstrates a solid grasp of material and can convey responses to the material in a clear, accurate and thoughtful manner. Depth of student knowledge and thinking on the topic seems adequate but not exceptional. Response is solid but may not make new critical leaps, or synthesize information in unexpected ways.

25 pts


Student demonstrates basic familiarity with material and adequately addresses the prompt. Conveys ideas in a coherent, though unremarkable, manner.

20 pts


Student response lacks clarity, accuracy, or demonstrates a lack of thought and engagement about ideas/material, or an inaccurate grasp of ideas/material.

35 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/MechanicsAbility to craft coherent thoughts in standard English, free from errors in diction, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and edited for flow and clarity.

35 pts


Writing is well edited and completely free from errors in spelling, grammar, diction and punctuation. Reads smoothly, clearly, and with careful attention to sentence rhythm, word choice, and thoughtfulness about overall flow.

30 pts


Writing is clear, well edited and completely free from errors in spelling, grammar, diction and punctuation. Shows some awareness of word choice and overall flow.

25 pts


Writing is largely free from errors in spelling, grammar, diction and punctuation, is largely clear, and demonstrates some attention to editing and reader experience.

20 pts


Writing contains several errors in spelling, grammar, diction, and/or punctuation. Is unclear and shows little to no editing.

35 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructureAbility to form a body of ideas on a topic into a coherent whole. Knowledge of how ideas flow together and how transitions connect passages logically to one another.

30 pts


Argument/exposition demonstrates mastery of form and flow, and overall awareness of the assignment as a written whole. Demonstrates creative, inventive or incisive solutions for presenting student’s thoughts and course materials in novel, meaningful and effective ways.

27 pts


Argument/exposition demonstrates grasp of form and flow and awareness of the assignment as a written whole.

23 pts


Argument/exposition is coherent and complete, but shows little to no thought to design. Ideas are presented clearly, but with no compelling logic or order.

20 pts


Argument/exposition is haphazard and not logically presented.

30 pts

Total Points: 100

Humanities Homework Help

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