Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Curriculum Web


The use of curriculum webs in program planning is widespread with early childhood professionals. A web can be thought of as a graphic overall picture of what might be included in a theme or unit approach to instruction. To create a curriculum web, the teacher chooses a broad topic, identifies subtopics for the selected theme, brainstorms various hands-on activities for each subtopic in all domains of development, and then organizes them on a tentative web. This serves as a road map for what children will learn that week and the activities to plan.

The Assignment:

    1. Select a theme or unit topic for a preschoolclassroom based on children’s interests.

    2. Create a curriculum web for your theme or unit topic. Be sure to include concepts/activities for all developmental domains.

      • Include at least 5 subtopics when designing your curriculum web.
      • Each subtopic must have at least 1 activity for each domain of development (Emotional & Social Development, Language Development & Communication, Health & Physical Development, and Cognitive Development).

        3. Create an outline of your curriculum web to accompany your curriculum web. This list should include your selected theme at the top, each of the five subtopics chosen for your theme, and a brief description of all four activities you have planned for each subtopic. Submitting this outline along with your curriculum web will ensure students understand concept development. Your outline should be formatted as follows:

        Student Name

        Selected Theme

        1. Sub-Topic #1:

        Cognitive Dev. Activity:

        Lang. & Comm. Dev. Activity:

        Social/Emotional Activity:

        Physical & Health Activity:

        2. Sub-Topic #2:
        Cognitive Dev. Activity: Lang. & Comm. Dev. Activity: Social/Emotional Activity: Physical & Health Activity:*Continue with the same formatting for all five subtopics!

        Formatting Requirements:


            • Microsoft Word – use the shapes tool and text boxes to create a digital web to upload to the assignment link


            • Create a handmade web, scan, and upload it to the assignment link.

        Refer to the “Syllabus and Assignment Completion Guide.”

            • Put your name, course and section number, and date at the top left of the document.
            • Make sure to use the title listed above as the title of your paper centered at the top of the page just under your name, course and section number, and date.
            • Use Microsoft Word or another approved software program.

        To Submit:

        Using Microsoft Word (or another word processing program with your file saved as a “Rich Text” file), save the document with a file name that includes the assignment title, your last name, and first initial (i.e., DunnM.Assignment2).

        Humanities Homework Help

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