Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine Action Plan Paper

At this point, you have now completed a brief description of the organization you will be focusing on throughout the course and your instructor has approved the use of this organization (Topic 1). A clear internal and external analysis has been done and you have a better understanding of the organization and internal assets and external competition (Topic 2). You have analyzed the current vision and mission statement and discussed areas that were lacking or needed improvement as well as areas or aspects that were clear and well defined (Topic 3). A SWOT analysis has been completed to ensure a clear understanding of the organizations current position (Topic 4). 

Now, in Topic 5, you will create an Action Plan. The Action Plan should be 1,000-1,250 words and focused on goal setting and the establishment of those goals. Identify two to three goals that you can focus on within your organization. By identifying only a couple we are wanting you to really explore and clearly identify all aspects that would be surrounding that goal and implementation. Please make sure to be detailed in your action plan. You will want to focus on the following:

Goals and outcomes

Is there a competitive advantage? Cost analysis?

  1. Leadership costs?

Alignment with overall strategic direction?

  • Functional area impact (Examples – Clinical Operations, Human resources, Marketing, IT, HIMS)
  • Structure
  • Including alliances, affiliations, contractual relationships, etc.
  • Hybrid?
  1. Organizational structure in place- current/future?


  • Financial data overview
  • Include a summary of what financial data you examined or would examine. For each financial statement, describe the specific factors that informed you or would inform you (net revenue, profit loss, balance sheet major).
  • Personnel/Staffing
  • Include provider relationships as appropriate.
  1. Organizational structure

Human resources

  • Implementation schedule: Develop an implementation schedule that identifies the resources and competences in your department and describe how they are matched to the strategic initiative. Identify how your action plan aligns to the organization’s strategic direction.

Humanities Homework Help

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