Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Rasmussen College Safety Issues Physical Space and De Escalation of Situations PPT

Module 05 Content

  1. You are an employment counselor at a local workforce development center. Part of your duties include meeting with new clients who have recently been displaced from their jobs. The following case scenario describes Randall’s, your new client, situation.
    Randall has been working for a financial investment firm for the past eighteen years. Over the years, he rose up the ranks and within the past few months, he was promoted to senior vice president. Unfortunately, after about 3 months after his promotion, the company announced they were going to lay off several staff members. As a result, Randall was laid off. He was emotionally traumatized by the layoff. To make matters worse, Randall was within 5 years of retirement and has 2 children who are attending expensive private universities. His wife has been a stay-at-home mother since they were married so the family now has no income. Randall feels immobilized, angry, and betrayed.
    In your initial meeting with Randall, your goal is to help him organize his support system and find a network of resources to help him emotionally and financially deal with his loss. As Randall describes his situation, you notice him becoming more emotional, raising his voice, expressing his anger quite vocally. His body language intensifies the longer he discusses his situation, causing him to be agitated and distraught.

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