Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. EN 351 Bowie State University Literature Rabia Gelgi Presentation

This is a literature class and my professor wants me to do a project presentation on Rabia Gelgi.

I attached a sample presentation of what you will be doing but about a different author but do not copy the structure or the look of the presentation please follow  the  instruction and please read everything that I attached, please 

Each student will contribute a brief introduction to a writer whose works are part of this story. This introduction will rely on primary sources from the authors and secondary sources about their works; it does not require reading the works themselves. As the last activity of the semester students will read each other’s reports to get sense the new diverse literary landscape for children.

The slides should include: 

1. A title slide: author’s name, your name, course number & section

2. An overview slide of the author’s life and/or career 

3. An overview slide of the kind of works the author writes. Please describe “kind” using the genres and terminology this course has used 

4. One slide each for 2 or 3 of the writer’s best/most well-known/ interesting work 

5. One slide discussing the particular aspects of diversity which the author’s works address 

6. One slide discussion connections between the author’s works and the important aspects of children’s literature discussed in this course 

7. One slide for any additional research or reaction (optional)

8. One slide of bibliographic or citation sources

Write for me what I will read for each slide

The research project in this course will collect materials showing the recently increased diversity of American Children’s Literature. What I mean by “diversity” is that American Children’s Literature almost exclusively by, about and for a white. middle and upper class. Beginning in the 1960’s, the decade of the civil rights movement and Civil Rights legislation, there was an increased desire to promote works that represented the broader demographic profile of contemporary of the United States. Just as john Newbery realized in the 1700’s that the newly emerging middle class needed to see itself and its life represented in he books shaping the new concept of childhood, in the 1960’s teachers, librarians, parents, and especially readers realized that America’s minority and immigrant communities wanted to see themselves represented in the books written for children. Like other elements in he development of children’s literature, the creation of diversity has been an incremental process which has gradually increased he number of authors, protagonists and plot lines reflecting historical and contemporary minority experience 

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