Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Psychology Counseling Supervision Discussion

I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.

I need just ONLY the two responses to the students attached below. Initial question is DONE but also attached for you to understand my position on the discussion. Also below is the question the assignment referred to for your reference:

Hello Class!

For this week’s discussion please review the Models of Supervision listed in HCCM Ch 4. Please choose a theory that you feel is consistent with your beliefs about supervision and what you like about the theory, the strengths of this theory, and if this supervision theory is consistent with your counseling theoretical orientation.

Please respond to at least two of your peers.

The responses must be 2-3 paragraphs each with 5+ sentences each. APA. single-spaced. No cover page. Scholarly references or the book is fine. My professor likes for there to be a few questions for the student involved that stimulate further thought pertaining to the material. This is for a clinical mental health counseling major in the US which is different from a psychologist or psychiatrist. Write accordingly. See below for the students to respond to and my initial post.

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