Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Phoenix Hyperactivity Impulsivity Since Kindergarten Analysis

Counselors will be working with children and adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is a common disorder that is presented in clinics, schools, and agencies. This week you will have the opportunity to look at assessing, conceptualizing, and treating ADHD in a child and family.

Read Case 2.1 from Ch. 2 of The Clinical Assessment Workbook.

Conduct an assessment of the client described. If there is no Mini-Mental Status Exam completed, indicate that in the cognitive section of the Mental Status part of the assessment.

Although the case study may not provide in-depth information for all sections of the biopsychosocial assessment, please use the information as provided, and note if there is no information given for a specific area.

Complete a Biopsychosocial Assessment and Treatment Plan based on the case using the forms located on the College of Social Sciences Resources site for the College of Social Sciences Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling & Mental Health Counseling program. Use full sentences and appropriate grammar in these forms.

List 3 assessment tools that you would use to help you assess this client. Be sure to identify tools that you believe would help support your diagnosis. Justify your choices. Use the “Assessments to Support Diagnosis” section in the Biopsychosocial Assessment form to identify these tools.

Include a case conceptualization with your Biopsychosocial Assessment and an explanation of the DSM-5 symptom checklist that you use in your diagnosis. Your assessment should be a minimum of 700 words.

Research common treatment goals for the chosen diagnosis before completing your Treatment Plan form. Include parenting and support resources, as well as your insight about the impact of ADHD on the family. Justify your treatment plan with peer-reviewed research. Your treatment plan should be a minimum of 350 words.

Humanities Homework Help

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