Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UON Business Ethics in the Virtual Work Environment Question

Need a research paper related to the attached article “Business Ethics in the Virtual Work Environment” following what is stated in the paper.

Written with the following instructions:

1- Give a title to your work (should be related to the paper attached).

Abstract: Purpose, Design/methodology/approach, Finding, Research
limitations/implications, Practical implications, Originality/value
(minimum number of words 500 words in total). Attached is an example of how the abstract should look like

3- Introduction (minimum number of words 550 words)

4- Materials and Method Literature Review 500 words

5- Situation Analyses: there should be 4 questions related to the topic (ANSWERED by the writer with references) and least 600 words minimum for each Question (Questions are mentioned in the article: choose 4 of them)

5- Discussion 200 words
6- Conclusion and Recommendation for future research 200 words

7- references


1- Please note that you have to use inside the text citations.

2-The references must be based on APA style and must be placed at the end of your report.

3- please add table of content

Humanities Homework Help

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