Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. POL 187 University of California Role of Women in Society Discussion

The following passages have been taken from the four tragedies covered in POLS 187.
Choose ONE of these seven passages, and in no more than 2 pages (12-pt font, double-spaced font), identify the quotation and discuss its significance.

Which work is it from? Which character is delivering these lines? Where in the play does it appear, and what is going on in the passage? (Do not spend more than a paragraph providing
these factual details.)

Discuss the significance of these lines. Why does this passage represent an important moment in the play? How does it reflect upon some of the play’s central themes?
Do you agree with the message being conveyed by the speaker of these lines? Why or why

Note: indicate the Option Number of the passage you’ve picked at the beginning of your paper.
Please don’t retype the entire quotation, though you will probably want to refer to and quote
parts of it throughout your discussion.

Humanities Homework Help

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