Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GCU Patient Safety The Use of Restraints in the Clinical Setting Essay

I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Using the using the online resources provided for you at

Complete a literature search in the CINAHL nursing database and share two articles that discuss
safety and the use of restraints in nursing. From these articles, list at least four regulations and
requirements that address restraints and restraint use. Share an example of how restraints were used
for client care and what were the nurse’s role in monitoring and caring for that client. Be sure to
identify the type or types of restraints used, the process for obtaining the restraints order and the
safety interventions nurses and the other members of the collaborative team must engage in for this
activity. The paper should be APA style, 1-2 pages in length, include a title page. This assignment
accounts for 2% of your course grade.

Writing Assignment – Patient Safety: The Use of Restraints in the Clinical Setting

Humanities Homework Help

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