Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Cocorde Career College Effective Listening Skills Questions

I don’t know how to handle this Humanities question and need guidance.

Listening is situational (Brownell, 2013). The way you listen should depend on the situation you are in (DeVito, 2019).”

I have a family member that is a horrible listener. During our conversations I listen to what he has to say and respond when he is finished speaking. He however does not make eye contact and zones out when I’m speaking. He also interrupts me mid sentence and changes the subject.

Two of the barriers I believe he faces are lack of judgement and premature judgement.  

A few suggestions I feel would help him become a better listener would be to make eye contact, engage in the conversation without changing the subject, and allow others to speak uninterrupted. 

The four listening styles that individuals commonly employ in their daily dealings are empathic, polite, active, and critical listening. Empathic listening is a well-thought-out listening and questioning skill that permits individuals to coin and enhance interactions with a greater appreciation of what is being transmitted emotionally and intellectually. Polite listening is that listeners must always show politeness to the speaker. Active listening refers to a listening pattern that keeps an individual engaged with their partner’s conversation positively. Critical listening is a form of listening that involves scrutiny, critical thinking, and opinion. One of the colleagues I experienced a hard time with is a poor listener. She was new at the dental office and I try to explain things to her because that was her first time working as a dental assistant so basically everything was new to her. I tried my best to train her but every time I do she doesn’t listen to me and she messes things up. For example, I would be talking to her and she would be thinking about something else or not giving me eye contact. When it comes to her doing things she wouldn’t know because she wasn’t listening to me when I was explaining. The best suggestion would be that she needs to listen (focus), make eye contact, and follow the steps so she doesn’t have a hard time what to do.

Humanities Homework Help

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