Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. unit plan psych

I have attached rubrics and guidelines, a website link for additional info and an example of how the project should look like.


This project consists of 3 primary parts:

A Unit Plan: a unit plan is a lesson plan with enough material for 3-5 days of instruction.

5 sections of written material

Materials (Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, games, activities, etc.)

Review the unit plan materials in the “Lesson Plan Documents” folder in this module.

Unit plan rubric

Lesson Plan Documents

ooutline – shows the format for the lesson plan part of the project

oguidelines – shows the same outline with a description of the information that must be typed in each section of the lesson plan

obehavioral objectives – instructions for writing the objectives in the lesson plan

ofirst grade lesson plan: a one day lesson plan provided to show the elements of the plan

osample project – the lesson plan, written sections, and materials

Your unit plan must follow this outline format; it will look like the outline and the sample plans.

You are encouraged to look up lesson plans available online on your topic and level to help you. It is ok to use these in your unit. Because you have not yet taken methods classes, you are not expected to know everything about appropriate teaching methods. You may also use worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, and other materials that you find. You are not required to create these.

All elements of your plan must be compatible with your theory/approach. In addition to the plan itself, you must include 5 sections of written material, with approximately two double spaced pages for each:

1.your theory of learning and how it was integrated into your unit;

Examples: Development, Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Kohlberg, Brofenbrenner, Behaviorism, Operant Conditioning, Humanism, Maslow, Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Cognitivism, Information Processing, Learning Strategies, Constructivism, Direct Instruction, Fluency Learning, Social Cognitive Theory, Bandura, or any theory/approach for teaching and learning in the text or elsewhere.

2.a classroom management plan compatible with your theory/approach;

3.your plan for addressing diversity issues, such as ability, gender, race, ethnicity, language, and socioeconomic status

4.various aspects of your learning environment, such as physical arrangements, creating a positive environment, and procedures

5.a list of references (all the sources you used for your unit).

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