Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CIMA 0720 Nova Southeastern University The Evaluation Report

I’m working on a education & teaching multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Assignment 2 will build on Assignment 1 and will include but not be limited to these sections:

1. results of the evaluation

2. recommendations for improving or modifying the program

3. presentation of the report — this can be a live or recorded presentation and the discretion of the instructor. The report should be approximately 10 pages.

The second assignment is to complete the evaluation of an academic program by providing the results and findings. This assignment is an extension of Assignment 1. This report may be on a program identified by the CIMA student, or for a program identified by the instructor. A sample program with course materials will be posted in the course management system. The plan should include: 1. program description 2. program documentation and review 3. review of literature related to the program 4. methods used to evaluate the program, including an evaluation rubric Assignment 1 should be approximately ten pages in length. The instructor for CIMA 720 will provide additional information about this assignment.

Below I attached the Syllabus for the course and ASSIGNMENT 1. Assignment 2 and the rubric are on pages 5-6. The title of the Assignment 2 is “Completing the Evaluation Report”. Please follow the instructions 100% and used APA 7th Edition Formatting. Please let me know if something clear; do not assume.

Assignment 2—Completing the Evaluation – Report

REMINDER – You must have a minimum of twenty reference sources for this assignment to earn an A. References used in assignment 1 ( Pages 4-5 of the syllabus) may be used again in this paper.This assignment will build on Assignment 1 and will include but not be limited to these sections:

This assignment will build on Assignment 1 and will include but not be limited to these sections

1. results of the evaluation

2. recommendations for improving or modifying the program

3. presentation of the report — this can be a live or recorded presentation and the discretion of the instructor. The report should be approximately 10 pages.

Humanities Homework Help

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