Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. RDG/570: Curriculum Const And Assmt: Reading And Lang Arts For Spe Wk 6 – Guided Field Experience

RDG/570: Curriculum Const And Assmt: Reading And Lang Arts For Spe

Wk 6 – Guided Field Experience^ [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Refer to the Guided Field Experience Rubric for assignment expectations.
    Submit the following completed documents to your course instructor for grading and feedback:

    COVID-19 Assignment Modification:Hello class,
    As you are likely aware, COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, is impacting schools and districts across the country and, subsequently, is impacting our University of Phoenix College of Education students, as well. You may experience challenges with completion of the required field experience as a result of school closures, limitations on classroom visitations, or the move to virtual learning platforms in the interim of community resolution.
    If you need an alternate week 6 field experience course assignment due to your community’s impact from the Coronavirus, follow this modification for the required field experience assignment: For the modified assignment, you will skip teaching the lesson that you create. For pre and post-data, have the field experience classroom teacher share past pre and post-data with you for you to analyze. While this won’t be connected to your lesson, it will give you the opportunity to analyze data. For the reflection, share the lesson plan with the field experience classroom teacher and get feedback via telephone or email to write the reflection. Let me know as questions arise as you work on completing this required week 6 assignment without teaching the lesson.
    It is important to clarify that although you may complete the assignment objectives through an alternative observation for course completion purposes, the original clinical or guided experience assignment in a formal classroom setting must still be fulfilled and documented in My Time Log at a later time. Students will not be eligible for student teaching until they are complete. Students’ Education Placement Specialists are able to assist students as questions arise about programmatic clinical experience requirements.
    Let me know if you have any questions and stay healthy. : )

    Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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