Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SDSU Latin American Coves Innocentes Essay

  • The paper will require you to analyze a theme in the movie you found to be profound. You will have to supplement this theme with your lecture notes and any of the assigned readings. Thus, your paper should be written as follows: at least one page describing the theme of the movie, one page supported by the assigned readings and one page of lecture notes. Make sure to cite your work! The information you will be writing about is not considered to be general knowledge as it probably was not taught in high school. Thus, I expect you all to be citing your papers thoroughly. I am expecting a minimum of 18 to 20 citations or more.
  • The papers will be written about a movie you saw in class. Pick a specific theme of the movie you liked best and write about it. You will need to incorporate your notes and either Chasteen’s book (or the supplemental readings) with your paper.
    • The format I am looking for is a page or more that covers the theme of the movie, the second page (or longer) of your paper should contain elements from Chasteen’s book (or the supplemental readings) to substantiate the theme of your paper, the third page (or longer) needs to contain elements of the lecture modules that tie in with your central themes. Add your introduction and conclusion and you will submit to me a 4 to 5 page paper.
    • Thus, your first part of your paper (minimum of one page—23 lines using 12 font Times New Roman) should analyze the images from the film that relate to this specific theme
    • The second part (minimum of one page—23 lines using 12 font Times New Roman) of your paper should cover topics regarding the subject of slavery from Chasteen’s book (or the supplemental readings).
    • The third part of your paper (minimum of one page—23 lines using 12 font Times New Roman) should include the class lectures that can substantiate the claims you postulated in your themes of slavery.
    • Each of the paper’s section has to be 23 lines minimum!!!Based on previously submitted papers, I have no choice but examine the following: Is the paper one page in length (23 lines minimum and are the margins correct–1 inch top, bottom, and sides.)
    • I will be taking points off if these standards are not met–for example one point off for each line that does not meet the length minimum and 5 points off for having incorrect margins.
  • You can “fine-tune” your papers as you comfortably see fit. You can make it narrow in focus–
  • You can also make your paper broader in focus. As long as you can tie in your theme with the movie, the book, and the on-line modules, you should be all right.
  • The last thing I want to say regarding your paper is that you need to tie in the first page, the second page, and the last page with a transition sentence. I do not want you to demarcate each page with a heading that says—Movie, Book, and Lecture notes!! If you do you will automatically be dropped half a letter grade.
  • your first paper has to be about the movies, readings and lectures that were assigned/presented.
  • Please cite your book!!! I will only be accepting Chicago Style citations. Your movie also has to be cited in Chicago style. For your convenience I already did the citing for you. Please look at the assigned readings for the course to learn how to write a proper footnote and Reference Page. I have also included a sample citation for citing the movie you choose to write about. PLEASE BE SURE TO CITE EACH SCENE YOU ARE DECRIBING. IF THE NEXT SENTENCE IS A DIFFERENT SCENE, CITE IT AS WELL.
  • Points off for lack of citation. I will be taking points off for each section (movie, lectures and readings) after you fail to cite for the fourth time in your first assignment, after the third time in your second assignment and after the second time in your last assignment.
  • Please include a Reference Page
  • It is not my policy to accept late papers. In the remote case that I do, late papers will result in a drop of a half letter grade per day (Saturdays and Sundays also count).

Selected readings from the following sources: I will be providing selected readings to you.

Reference/Bibliography: How to appropriately cite. Refer to this as you write your papers.


Fuentes, Carlos. The Buried Mirror: Reflections on Spain and the New World. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1992.

Holloway, Thomas H. A Companion to Latin American History. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publisher, 2008.

Lynch, John. Caudillos in Spanish America 1800-1850. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Meade, Teresa A. A History of Modern Latin America: 1800 to the Present. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell Press, 2010.

Smith, Peter H. Talons of the Eagle: Latin America, the United States, and the World. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.


Guzmán, Robert. “Independence and its Consequences.” LATAM 420: Latin American Studies Through Film. Class lecture at San Diego State University, San Diego, US, August 24th, 2020


Joe Versus the Volcano. Directed by John Patrick Shanley. 1990. Burbank, CA: Warner

Home Video, 2002. DVD.


1. Carlos Fuentes, The Buried Mirror: Reflections on Spain and the New World (New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1992), page number.

2. Fuentes, The Buried Mirror, page number

3. Ibid., page number

1. Thomas H. Holloway, A Companion to Latin American History (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publication, 2008), page number.

2. Holloway, A Companion to Latin American History, page number.

3. Ibid., page number.

1. John Lynch, Caudillos in Spanish America 1800-1850 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), page number

2. Lynch, Caudillos in Spanish America, page number.

3. Ibid., page number

1. Teresa A. Meade, A History of Modern Latin America: 1800 to the Present (Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008), page number.

2. Meade, A History of Modern Latin America, page number.

3. Ibid., page number.

1. Peter H. Smith, Talons of the Eagle: Latin America, the United States, and the World. 4th ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), page number

2. Smith, Talons of the Eagle, page number

3. Ibid., page number


1. Robert Guzmán, “Independence and its Consequences.” LATAM 420: Latin American Studies Through Film (class lecture, San Diego State University, San Diego, US, August 24th, 2020).

2. Guzmán, “Independence and its Consequences.” 2020

3. Ibid., 2020


  1. Joe Versus the Volcano, directed by John Patrick Shanley (1990; Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 2002), DVD.
  2. Joe Versus the Volcano, DVD
  3. Ibid.,

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