Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Harvard University Plato Minos and the Euthyphro Discussion

Students are reminded that they are not to present the work of an author or of another student as their own although they are encouraged to discuss their work with others in the course. Responses should be a minimum of 3 pages, double spaced, typewritten and should be checked thoroughly for punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors.Moral and ethical terms should be used appropriately. More than one or two errors will result in a reduced grade. Essays should both summarize and critically evaluate a position or view. This will involve developing a structured argument that critically analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of each position considered and your answer should demonstrate a thoughtful and careful use of the relevant set reading material for that topic/problem. Critically evaluating a position entails identifying and challenging assumptions and exploring different ways of thinking through to a tentative solution by using justifying arguments.

Choose one of the following:

1. In Plato’s Euthyphro Socrates develops arguments about the relation between religion and morality. Give a critical analysis of his arguments.

2. Critically examine the theory of relativism by analyzing the paper by Pojman.

3. Offer a critical analysis of Mill’s utilitarianism as found in his paper in our textbook. In your critical analysis of his views evaluate the most important concepts and develop criticisms of your own.

Humanities Homework Help

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