Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HRMN 362 UMGC Differences Between Private & Public Sector Employee Rights Discussion

1. The Differences between Private sector and Public sector employee rights.

a.  Students with their last names starting with Burton to Mason discuss the differences between private and public sector employees’ rights a-d below and then discuss which you would prefer, the private or public sector rights, and why? Be specific in your responses. 

Employee’s rights:          

           a. Job Security

           b. Benefits

           c. First Amendment Rights

           d. Interrogations and Investigations

           e. Drug Testing

           f. Job termination

           g. Right to join a union

           h. Differences between public and private sector unions

2. Remember to cite your references. Outside research will be necessary to fully respond to each question.

Discussion Topic #2

1. Locate and briefly summarize a real-life case decision where an employer or union was found guilty of bad faith bargaining (or not!).

2. Explain whether you agree or disagree with the decision. Why or why not?

3. Remember to cite your references. Outside research may be necessary to fully respond to each question.

Discussion #3

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Humanities Homework Help

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