Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Emotional and Social Intelligence at Work Questions

This assignment again references the week 5 case study:

1. The CEO Who Couldn’t Keep His Foot out of His Mouth By Lisa Burrell, 2006.

Additionally, you will be referencing this week’s readings:

2. Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups by Vanessa Urch Druskat, Steven B. Wolff.

3. To Improve Your Team, First Work on Yourself by Jennifer Porter.

Assignment Questions

Please answer the following questions in a total of 500-600 words.


1. Based on this week’s readings and the case study from week 5, how would you recommend establishing a norm of confrontation at the executive leadership level of Growing Places? This would be in relation to the CEO (Rob) and Board of Directors. Reference at least one source to support your recommendation.

2. What is at least one risk of having a non-confrontational culture at Growing Places? Reference at least one source to support your conclusions.

3. Similarly, what is at least one benefit of having a culture of confrontation at Growing Places? Reference at least one source to support your conclusions.

4. How comfortable are you with confrontation? Based on your DiSC assessment, what are your strengths in relation to confrontation? What are your weaknesses?

5. If as a Board member you were selected to confront Growing Places’ CEO Rob about his disruptive behavior, how would you navigate your own emotional response to being in this confrontational role?


  • In your responses, be sure to reference some of the articles we have read so far in the course – using APA source citation formatting
  • Include an article reference list at the bottom of your worksheet

  • Some of the articles we have read.
  • How to Embrace Change Using Emotional Intelligence by Kadi Wiens and Darn Rowell.
  • : Spending 10 minutes a day on mindfulness subtly changes the way you react to everything (Hougaard, Carter & Dybkjer, 2017)
  • The CEO Who Couldn’t Keep His Foot out of His Mouth By Lisa Burrell, 2006.
  • Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups by Vanessa Urch Druskat, Steven B. Wolff.3. To Improve Your Team, First Work on Yourself by Jennifer Porter.

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