Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSYC 3360 Saint Marys University Sports Related Anxiety Review

This exercise aims to take a sport-related issue (Anxiety, Stress, Goal setting, confidence or any other prevalent sports theme) from the text, create your own case study, and apply the PTSP process to assist an imaginary athlete to improve their performance. The review should be 5-6 pages double spaced pages with 1” margins, 12 font, and should address the following:

  • Reference to the academic literature that supports your solution of the athlete. In specific’
    • The paper should focus on the athlete’s inability and how your application of the theory will address the problem and enhances the athlete’s performance.
  • Adherence to the PTSP process
  • Concept and Application Paper Outline
  • General Outline of Sport Situation:In approximately 175 words or less the character is outlined describing their sporting situation (The character may be real or imaginary). Based on an analysis of the symptoms described (by you!), you will outline what you think the problem with you athlete is and how (methodology) you came to determine this.A critical component of you satisfying this requirement is to strongly consider the use of a thesis statement where you will be telling me the intent of yourpaper, highlights that support your assertion and finally recommended courses of action.Theoretical Background on sport specific problem (In short, a literature review)In approximately 500 words or less you delve into the relevant research regarding the nature of the sporting issue (e.g., competitive state anxiety, anorexia, loss of focus, fear of competition, etc). Describe how it is caused, the most current research, possible treatment rationales on other factors that you think are relevant to your athlete’s problem. From this research you should generate a number of possible alternatives in terms of treatment by applying the PTSP processRecommendationsFinally, youare to discuss which of the options you would choose; justifying and weighing each of the other alternatives you provided above by using the PTSP process.Detail why it would be effective and describe how you would administer the treatment step by step.SummaryTie all the information together and reiterate how your solution is the best plan of action for your athlete.

Humanities Homework Help

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