Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Santa Monica College Proposition of Cosmopolitanism by Nussbaum Discussion

Topic Chosen: Homelessness in North Hollywood

You will use a total of four philosophers in this paper. You will make your argument using one of the following philsosphers, either Douglass, Nietzsche, Nozick, Habermas, or Nussbaum/Sen. Then, you will use three other thinkers from this list to critique/criticize your philosopher’s argument by presenting the key critique/criticism each would make of your philosopher’s argument. You, also, will defend your philosopher’s argument against each of those critiques.

Paper question:

Considering the arguments of the philosopher you choose, use your essay to address these questions: what is the justest value to hold in resolving any dispute/s over your place or issue, and according to that conception of justice who should have the power to determine that resolution?


The paper must consist of 6 paragraphs: paragraph one is your thesis, paragraph two will be your argument (addressing both justice and power), the rest of the paragraphs will be your oppositions’ best critiques of your argument and your response (defense) to each of them.

  1. You must underline the thesis sentence in the thesis paragraph and you must underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.
  2. You must use and cite quotations from each of the readings/philosophers covered in the debate. Failure to use and cite quotations from the reading in the second and ALL subsequent paragraphs will result in a paper score of 0 or 1 point. You must have quotations that support each side of the debate. That means there are at least 2 quotations in each paragraph other than the thesis paragraph.
  3. For the philosophical aspects of your paper, you should use only texts assigned for this class (attached below). Do not use outside philosophy sources in your paper. You do not need them to succeed on your papers.
  4. A very detailed breakdown of how to write this essay has been attached below, along with the book used for this class in order to find quotes and cite them.

Humanities Homework Help

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