Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MU Purity Danger and Redemption by James S Bielo Discussion


Answer one question for each of the readings listed below. Responses should be detailed and thorough enough and support your discussion with concrete examples from the readings. Number your responses.

#1 – Purity, Danger, and Redemption

Answer only ONE of the following study questions of James S. Bielo’s article, “


  1. How do James Bielo characterize “emerging evangelicals” as part of a “postmodern” religious movement? How, according to the people Bielo studied, is “postmodernism” different from “modernism”? How specifically do Kevin and Bart seem express their postmodernism? Finally, how in the conclusion of the article does Bielo challenges the distinction between modernism and postmodernism?
  2. How does the “emerging evangelical” movement position itself vis-à-vis contemporary “suburban megachurch” Christianity? What does the emerging evangelical movement suggest to you about the “culture of Christianity” in the 21st century US?
  3. Focus on the “ethnographic” dimension of this article. How did Bielo undertake his “fieldwork” and how does he present his ethnographic description? What do Kevin and Bart teach Bielo about Middletown and Walnut Hills, respectively? How does their lifestyle correspond to their religious worldview?
  4. Come up with your own insightful, probing question on the article and respond to it using concrete examples from the text.

#2 – Calling Everyone to Pray

Answer only ONE of the following study questions on Isaac A. Weiner’s article: “


  1. Throughout this article, Weiner continually refers to debates over the place of religion in “the public sphere.” What does he mean by “public sphere”? Based on your reading of the article, what role does religion normally play in the public sphere in the US? How does the Muslim call to prayer present symbolic challenges in the public sphere? (Support your discussion with examples from the article).
  2. What are secular (or privatist) arguments that sought to mute the adhān in Hamtramck? How does the author find these problematic? How, in turn, did the pluralists interpret the adhān? What did Weiner find problematic in their interpretation? How in turn did local Muslims interpret the adhān?
  3. How has Hamtramck been transformed by the rise and fall of the auto industry, and immigration in the 20th and now 21st centuries? What does this suggest about the long-term presence of the adhān in that community? What is Weiner’s underlying argument here? What is your take away from this article

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