Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSYC 3003 Walden University Wk 5 Methods in Psychological Inquiry Discussion

To prepare:

  • Read the assigned pages from Chapter 10 in your course text.
  • Read the following study scenario:Researchers are interested in the effectiveness of a particular treatment for insomnia. They contact 50 insomnia sufferers who responded to a newspaper advertisement to participate in the study. Each participant is given a pill with instructions to take it before going to sleep that night. The pill actually contains milk powder (a placebo). The participants are randomly assigned to receive one of two sets of instructions about the pill. One half of the participants are told that the pill will make them feel “sleepy,” and the other half are told that the pill will make them feel “awake and alert.” The next day the participants return to the lab and are asked to indicate how long it took them to fall asleep after taking the pill. The individuals who were told that the pill would make them feel sleepy reported that they fell asleep faster than the participants who were told the pill would make them feel alert. Think about the concepts you read about this week about one-way experimental designs and analysis of variance (ANOVA), and how they apply to the above study.

Humanities Homework Help

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