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Humanities Homework Help. SNHU The Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems Discussion

Discussion 2: Circumplex Model

Understanding the level of cohesion of a family system is important in order to determine an effective treatment plan. Olson (2000) developed the Circumplex Model, which has been used in the areas of marital therapy and with families dealing with terminal illness.

For this Discussion, you again draw on the “Cortez Family” case history.

By Day 4

Post your description of the Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems and how it serves as a framework to assess family systems. Apply this framework in assessing the Cortez family. Use the three dimensions (cohesion, flexibility, and communication) of this model to assess and analyze. Describe how assessing these dimensions assists the social worker in treatment planning.

By Day 6

Respond to two colleagues whose assessments of family cohesion differ from yours. Resolve the differences or explain how each viewpoint is valid.

Colleague: Kellie Hoffman

Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems

The Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems serves as a framework to assess family systems by examining a system-focused model by incorporating research, theory, and practice (Olson, 2000). This model looks at the relationship between family members and compares the relationship because a fundamental belief is that a well-rounded family will operate better than families that are not well-rounded (Olson, 2000). Family unity, resilience, and dialogue contribute to a good outcome in the Circumplex Model (Olson, 2000).

Cortez Family

The Cortez family could benefit from the Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems because this family is no longer united, resilient, or communicating correctly. Paula lives alone and has become socially isolated due to her limited contact with her family in Columbia (Plummer et al., 2014). Paula also seems to speak very little to her son, Miguel, and ex-husband, David. Miguel is motivated to help his mom the best he can, so this model could help Miguel understand Paula’s feelings and what Paula needs now that she is pregnant. Miguel could be an integral part of the Cortez family relationship since he is willing to take responsibility for his sister should something happen to his mother. Opening up about Paula’s past experiences with her family as a child could help Miguel understand why his mother is having the issues she is having.

Treatment Planning

Creating a treatment plan for the Cortez family would entail creating a bond emotionally between family members. The family members do not necessarily have to be bonded together all the time but instead use the family members’ strengths separately to create cohesion. Individual family members can generate cohesion by relying on their unique strengths. Treatment planning also includes tapping into the roles and styles that family members bring to the family environment. The areas of flexibility from each member create stability and compare the change that they are comfortable exploring (Olson, 2000). Finally, communication among the family helps to promote cohesion and flexibility. Communication is a driving factor in continuing the overall family bond.


Olson, D. H. (2000). Circumplex model of marital and family systems. Journal of Family Therapy, 22(2), 144-167.

Plummer, S. B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Sessions case histories. Laureate International Universities Publishing, Inc.

Colleague: Stacey Jones

Post your description of the Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems and how it serves as a framework to assess family systems.

The Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems objective is to close the gap between theory and practice (Olson, 2000). The Circumplex Model of Marital is based on the system approach that includes three dimensions family cohesion, flexibility, and communication.

Family cohesion serves the framework of the family system based on the emotional bonding time family members have with one another. Family cohesion is divided into four categories; disengaged (very low), separated (low to moderate), connected (moderate to high), and enmeshed (very high) (Olson, 2000). In a healthy functioning family, a balance cohesion consists of separated and connected. For instance, family members can establish independence for one another while staying connected to their family unit. Disengaged and enmeshed family cohesion can become problematic in the development of long-term relationships.

Family flexibility is characterized by the change in leadership, role relationships, and relationship rules. Flexibility is divided into four categories: rigid (very low), structured (low to moderate), flexible (moderate to high), and chaotic (very high) (Olson, 2000). Thus, in a healthy functioning family, change is more likely acceptable within structured and flexible relationships. For instance, flexible relationships/family system change is usually processed on an egalitarian approach in which everyone is allowed to share their opinions. Similarly, rigid and chaotic leaderships roles can also become problematic because the family as a unit are not allowed to voice their opinions.

Finally, communication is the facilitating dimension that focuses on each family member’s ability to listen actively, self-disclosure, clarity, continuity tracking, and respect and regard (Olson, 2000). Furthermore, the circumplex model of marital allows the clinician to analyze the individual relationships that compromise the family system. For instance, this allows the clinician to explore how each family member engages with one another.

Apply this framework in assessing the Cortez family. Use the three dimensions (cohesion, flexibility, and communication) of this model to assess and analyze.


In Paula’s case, family cohesion would consist of her son Miguel and ex-husband David. As a social worker, I would assess that Paula’s and David’s relationship is disengaged due to their limited contact with one another since their divorce and his drug-seeking behaviors. I would assess Paula’s and Miguel’s cohesion as separated solely due to his age and primarily reside with his father. Based on the limited information available, Paula and Miguel seem to have a healthy functioning relationship.


During Paula’s and David’s marriage, I would assess their flexibility to be rigid because of David’s impulsive drug-seeking behaviors. I would assess Paula’s and Miguel’s flexibility as flexible due to having a mutual understanding.


Finally, I would analyze Paula and Miguel to have healthy communication skills, whereas Paula and David’s communication skills are strained.

Describe how assessing these dimensions assists the social worker in treatment planning.

Furthermore, the circumplex model of marital and family systems acts as a framework to assist in determining the overall health of a family system. For instance, with the appropriate map or figure, a social worker would identify if family members have a disengage and rigid cohesion relationship or a separated and flexible relationship. Thus, with treatment planning, the social worker should identify which family relationships need addressing.


Olson, D. H. (2000). Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems. Journal of Family Therapy, 22(2), 144.…

Plummer, S-B., Makris S., &Brocksen, S. (Eds). (2013). Sessions histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate Internation Universities Publishing.

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