Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. The Black Nationalism and Maintain National Identity Discussion

we’ve explored the racial violence black people faced after Reconstruction, as well as a variety of responses to that violence, such as racial uplift and respectability politics, political organizing, industrial education, black nationalism, migration, and labor organizing.

For this paper, you will analyze and critically evaluate one such response. What possibilities did it offer? What were its limitations? What lessons does it offer for thinking about black freedom and African American history more broadly? You should make an argument rather than offering a summary. You are required to engage closely with one of the below readings. Close engagement means that you ground your argument in textual evidence throughout the paper—don’t just cite your chosen text once and then base the rest of your argument on personal opinion.

This paper should be 750-900 words (about three pages) and use the Chicago style of citation. This should go without saying, but use a standard 12-point font and one-inch margins. You do not need a cover page or works cited page. Note: Please make sure use all the source I provided, and ONLY use the source I provided.

CHICAGO/TURBIAN | Argumentative Essay

Please make sure you finish the work based on the rubric I provided. And fully engage with the readings I provided. Make sure the essay has a clear argument.

Humanities Homework Help

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