Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UWW Improving Graduation Rates in Drug Court Qualitative Study Discussion

Read the article, “Improving graduation rates in drug court: A qualitative study of participants’ lived experiences” and answer the following 10 questions (in your own words):

1. What is the purpose of drug court and how does it differ from traditional criminal justice interventions?

2. How does the study described in this article differ from the majority of existing research on drug courts?

3. What is the goal of this study? (In other words, what did the researchers seek to add to the existing body of knowledge regarding drug courts?)

4. What is the specific research question addressed in this study?

5. Who were the participants in this study and how many of them participated (sample size)?

6. Describe the method the researchers used to gather data in this study (how did they get information from participants?).

7. What strategies were used by the researchers to increase the validity of the findings? (Hint: this is explained in the “Methodology” section)

8. What factors did participants report were most beneficial in helping them be successful in drug court?

9. What factors did participants report were barriers to them succeeding in drug court?

10. What limitations of the study do the authors identify?

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