Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GMUM Women in Ancient Greece Essay

The readings for this discussion board are all web links below. 

The Lot of the Hellenic Woman

Plato: The Republic Book V: On the Equality of Women: Sections 450a-457b

Aristotle: Spartan Women


Read all of the short excerpts in “The Lot of the Hellenic Woman,” and then choose at least two sources from the five links above to support your argument. You will later respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. 

  • Answer the following questions in a discussion post below:

What is the ideal role of a woman in Ancient Greece?

How is she to behave in this role? 

  • What are her responsibilities?

What are her limitations? 

  • Are any roles off limits or frowned upon for Ancient Greek women, and why? 

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, but not exceed 500 words. Your response to your classmate’s post should be at least 2-3 substantive sentences.

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