Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PHIL 101 Binghamton The Connection Between Dialectic and Truth Philosophy Ques

You will need to answer the following question concisely and simply.You may bullet point your answer if you like. Please use your original work.

1. What do the Sophists claim to teach?How do they understand “arête”? (page 62 from the text)

2. Explain Protagoras’ saying, “Man is the measure of all things.” (page 67 from the text)

3. Contrast physis with nomos. (page 67 from the text)

4. Would a Sophist say that it is more important to be just or to appear just? Why? (page 67 from the text)

5. In what way is Socrates like sophists? (page 101 from the text)

6. In what way is Socrates different from the Sophists? (page 101 from the text)

7. How does Socrates proceed in his “examination” of his fellow citizens? (page 101 from the text)

8. What is the connection between dialectic and truth? (page 101 from the text)

9. What kind of person do you have to be to profit from a conversation with Socrates? (page 101 from the text)

10. A number of things seem to have “stood fast” for Socrates in the course of his examinations, things that in some sense we can say he “knows”. What are they? (page 101 from the text)

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