Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. vision as a social worker, sociology homework help

My Vision for Social Work Assignment

This assignment is designed to help you think about how you envision the role of social work in society. Read this statement from the National Association of Social Workers:… and write your own vision statement (about 2 pages) for social work. Vision statements typically project 5-10 years in the future. Although vision statements are typically about your personal dreams, for this assignment you will use your personal beliefs to identify your passion, but also think critically about which aspects of your beliefs are in line with social work values and ethics. If you are a social work major or thinking about social work as your major, be sure to include how your personal beliefs fit into your vision of social work. This statement should be grounded in social work ethics and values, so be sure to review the Code of Ethics:

Humanities Homework Help

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