Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. review of my friend’s paper, assignment help

i need to write a revie paper for my friend and that is what the professor said to me

, I would like you to write a review of Nick’s paper. When it is done, please email your review back to me and to Nick (cc’ed in this email). There is no specific word count, but I expect that your review will be comprehensive; in the past, good reviews have run about 2-5 pages long.

This review is worth up to 5 points.

This assignment is due no later than Friday, December 7.

Please understand that this is a rough draft. In your review, focus on arguments and large organizational issues. Please do not devote much space in your review to particular grammatical or spelling mistakes, or writing style, or explaining that Nick does not have properly formatted citations (I’ll let him know).

Instead, in your review of this paper, please provide concrete suggestions for how the argument of the paper can be improved, thinking about logic and evidence. Begin by explaining, in your own words, what Nick’s hypothesis is and what his independent and dependent variables are. Explain why Nick chose the cases he did. Next, please make some suggestions about how Nick measures his variables. How does he know that some countries have more gender equity than others? Are these good measures? Can you think of better ones? Please be creative in thinking through some concrete suggestions here. Please also note any other suggestions you can think of for how to improve the paper.

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