Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. each question a 500 word essay easy no plagiary

  1. Describe your academic and professional goals or interests.
  2. Describe the challenges you, as a college student, experience daily. They can be academic, work related, personal, or any combination.
  3. Describe three characteristics, traits, or methods that make for an effective college instructor. Provide details and use your own experience and knowledge for supporting information and explanation. You can use negative example to make a case for ineffectiveness.
  4. The internet is an amazing tool, but it has its imperfections, and cyber space can be dangerous. Write an essay contrasting the pros and cons of internet use. Or you can simply write an entire essay from a strictly positive or negative viewpoint.
  5. What advice would you give a typical 17 or 18-year-old high school student who wants to be successful in college? Emphasize three areas and develop your advice fully through explanations and examples.
  6. “Obviously, academic dishonesty is wrong. Under no circumstances should a student be dishonest on academic work, whether in class, at home on an essay.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Could you argue logically for a point of view somewhere in the middle?
  7. Why and How do students plagiarize? Analyze this issue. Consider solutions to the problem.
  8. Rate my…: What are the positive and negative aspects of internet evaluation-sites like Rate My Professor or Rate My Doctor, Rate My Company, or Rate My (whatever)?
  9. Describe a specific problem you have had. Outline its cause(s). How have you tried to solve the problem? Have you been succeeding at all? Is the problem unsolvable? If you think so, please explain why.
  10. Analyze the problem of bullying in schools (high school to college). Define “bullying.” Why do students bully? How do they do it? What are the effects of bullying on all involved? How can this problem be addressed or solved?
  11. Should a professor be permitted to lower your grade if he or she does not agree with the ideas you write or speak about? Try to clarify the question and develop your own position on this controversy.
  12. “Having a disability should never disqualify a person from a job.” Do you agree or disagree? Do you have a mixed opinion? If so, please clarify it. Contrast two points of view.
  13. “Freedom of expression should have no limitations. A person should be able to express his or her thoughts and opinions in speech, in art, and in literature on any subject whatsoever. Do you agree, disagree, or hold a view combining perspectives, on this subject?
  14. Think of a controversial issue about which you feel strongly. Is it hard to see the opposing side of the issue? Why is that? If you try to see the other side, what effect can that have on you or on others, especially on somehow who disagrees with you? Can some good come from seeing the other side of an issue that you feel strongly about? Give an example in one or more solid paragraphs.

Humanities Homework Help

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