Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. demonstrators speech

topic: Juggling with a soccer ball

follow the outline

Demonstration Speech Outline Template


I. Attention Getter (Question, Startling stat, participation, Quote, visual aid, etc.)

II. Establish Common Ground & Rapport (Relate to your audience)

III. Establish Credibility & Goodwill (Experience or why we should listen, cite an expert)

IV. Preview Your Main Points and Topic

(REMEMBER many of you only have two main points; materials or ingredients and steps.)

Today I will be explaining the needed ingredients and materials as well as the 9 easy steps to make ____.)


(Sub-sub points and sub-sub-sub points etc. are used as needed or desired)

  • First main point (First you will begin by obtaining and measuring the ingredients you will need.)This needs to be a full sentence.
  • Second main point (Now we are ready to begin our preparation with nine easy steps.) This needs to be a full sentence.
    • First Sub Point First you blend the…..
    • Second Sub Point Needs to be a full sentence
    • Third Sub Point Needs to be a full sentence
  • Third main point of speech (If needed)
    • First Sub Point
    • Second Sub Point
    • Third Sub Point
  • First Sub Point There are three wet ingredients
  • Second Sub Point There are six dry ingredients. This needs to be a full sentence.
  • First sub-sub point ½ cup milk, 1 cup butter, and 1 tbs. vanilla extract
  • Second sub-sub point (if desired)
  • ¾ cups of flour, ½ cup sugar, 1 teaspoon salt
  • Second sub-sub point (if desired)


I. Brakelight (Give us a Warning [Lastly, We have now seen, Finally])

II. Recap Your Main Points (Today I have shown you the needed ingredients and materials as well as the 7 easy steps to make)____

III. Make it Memorable (This is an Attention Getter at the end)

Remember that you can combine two of the parts in the Introduction or Conclusion, such as combining the brakelight and the recap into one point or combining the common ground and credibility like the sample outline.

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